Monday, August 30, 2010

Summer graphic

Another competition graphic. (Miss Graphicista)
It's for the first task. I have some Really tough competition like Lilly Rose and Wooldoor O_O I mean..they're proffesionals. Is it really fair? Oh well.. :/
Anyways, here's my graphic.

Everything made by me (yes, even the hair), except the face and the swimsuits.

Hope you like it. :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010


I've been bored, so i made two backgrounds. They're a little...not real but oh well.xD
At least i know i can make backgrounds! :)

Like it? Hate it? Comment! Follow! Please?! :D

Monday, August 16, 2010

Banner wars second graphic

This is Banner wars second graphic.
The task was Barbie inspired so that explains the whole PINK explosion (:

Love it? Hate it? Comment!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Banner wars graphic


Yes, i know i haven't been on here for like...forever. But I hope i'll change it. I've change the look of the blog and i hope you like it.
And I'm curentlly in a graphic competition called Banner wars. And in task two we had to make or re-create an add for a purse.
Here is my entrie:

I think it's my far best and I've made everything from sratch.

Like it? Hate it? Comment!

Sunday, April 11, 2010



My name is Nika, RihannyX on stardoll and I'm 16.
I love making graphics and I'm already working on my own new magazine called - Choice Magazine.
Anyways, I will be posting all sorts of graphics that i made and i hope you'll like them.